Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Life is afterall a "click:

Juz finish watching Click w Da Shu..long time nv cry like this liao...
Powerful show, it really reflects on s'pore life: catching up with the rat race.
Reminds me not to be a rat but a human! Family & frenz 1st;career 2nd.

Entering into the world of education was meant to reflect the above motto. Alas, it has already proven me wrong within 2 months of service... Yup! What a world record rite?? But it isn't so bad afterall esp like today.. where I stood & renew my pledge to mould my pupils to the best I could, when my P6s today are angels, where I feel belong to the school..

But looking back to some of the S.T, their own family lives r in a mess while they committed all their heart & soul to the school... Sometimes I wonder if they know they need to slow down & re-priortise or they simply had no choice but to continue to climb the ladder up?

Well, I believe its always hard to have the cake & eat it in life.. If you have something, another thing will be taken away from u.
Happy dayz...

Today is a start of a series of happy n lazy dayz... YEAH, YIPPEE, HOORAY!!! Hahahahahahah..feel like laughing like ten hours..

Today's teachers' day celebration but i feels more like childrens' day...hahaha...the kids are more excited than US.. I think its becoz its the onset of a LONG LONG holidays for some of them.. I do pity my P6s though... Well, at this time I can imagine their hate and frustration for PSLE.. so can't blame them..

Anyway, it's a good day coz they are so HIGH and Happy and everything went really smooth today..

To all "chers" outta there: HAPPY TEACHERS" DAY!! You deserve it...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Power struggle...

"You suck!"

Sometimes i wonder if Mr D.T is my nemesis from previous life, yet at times i saw so much of me in him. Becoz' of the ME I see in him, I really hope he will change but on the other hand, i think he deserved the most most difficult path of life. He's so spoilt anyway!

I'm happy that I handled the whole thing in the most possible unJo way... which is calm, mature and professional. I don't know how much of my words made sense to Mr D.T but I suspect some must be emotional provoking enuff unless those D.T tears that I see are caused by dust? flu?

What really happens to our brains during teenage times? Has it lose a screw or needs an extra screw? Suddenly, authority becomes a target to challenge, opposite sex are natural enemies, the concept of me, myself and I. Sometimes I really applaud myself to be able to breeze thru' a day with my insufferable P6s.

But then, what would teaching life be without them? Boring, I guess...Heehee...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Turning point- child to teenager

"No! You just can't do this!" i screamed at the top of my voice. "oops" the little voice in me said. I shouldn't be screaming, shouting nor banging my head or feeling the temptation to bang the head in front of me.

I am suffering from post-handling child-teenager symbrone. Sounds familiar? Any parents outta there? Everyday, i have to reason, bargain, accept all kinds of requests and responses from my P6s.. They are really "powerful" coz my positive energies are being sucked my them slowly with each passing SECONDS. One is already a challenge, imagine 40 of them + demanding parents who never seem to understand the phrase," PLEASE TALK TO YOUR CHILD."

I love my children, really, I do. I believe in each of them and the goodness they will bring to the world. I understand that their irritating behaviour is brought by a couple of factors that they can't control. Culprit no.1 : THEIR "loving" parents. Culprit no. 2: same as above Culprit no. 3: same as above. Hah, i sure it comes no surprise.

But I think at P6, they have the maturity to try and overcome such factors. Afterall, its their life, character and learning. But im not seeing in some of them whom I sincerely prayed for each day.

Perhaps I should go read the book," DUMMIES GUIDE TO HANDLING P6 PUPILS"
A blogger's block

2006 is actually a year of changes and i decided to take up blogging coz' I really cannot ta han my thoughts anymore.. But i realise facing a computer equally gives me the same problems..

PErhaps i should turn back to "dear diary..." days?? On the other hand, curiosity is burning me. How come I can't blog when I could write 3 full journay entries? Hmm...

Hence I declare I am suffering from BlOGGER"S BLOck!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"WE are professionals...we are professionals..." today is the 1st day of my BT course and it's all supposed about reflection. But I feel more like a "brainwash" session, to be reboot into a more positive being. Why are we being asked to learn to be positive about the BIG BOSS initiatives and new "projects"? Simply becoz' too of us have quit, too many negative thoughts, too many negative responses...

Just 3 months old, yet i feel I may not be able to stay after 3 years.. I really wished I could do more but the system sometimes feel like a rope tightening over you over and over again. But I know this is my true calling, no job is more satisfying than being a T. Nothing beats seeing the children maximising their potential, their learning. Yet nothing beats the incessant, wilful complains of parents and little recognition of our efforts as a T.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Helpless + Frustration + Uselessness = Bo Bianz...

Sigh... That seems to be the most common thing that I can only do. My mind has been on sleep mode since June 25 and I am still counting to the day when it can be back to active mode again. Let's see... 14 weeks more...

I really don't want to be defeated by all these overwhelming sick failure feelings but what choice do I have? If I don't pretend to be cheerful and positive, god knows, what other people are talking behind me. God knows, what will happen to my work review.

Welcome to the world of education.... welcome... SIGH..