Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wedding Countdown!!

My Big day is finally coming!! How I wish I have an extra extra extra large loud hailer to announce to the whole wide world! I feel like the most lucky and loved gal in the world!! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

oK, I know I sound crazy but I really want to share my joy with everyone in this globe!! Today is GUO DA LI and though I still need to work b4 I could rush home, I still can't contain my excitment... heehee.. Everyone is coming to congratualate me!!

Knowing Himself is definitely the best cupid arrow ever shoot to me, the best opportunity in my life. It's like God made Himself for me.. Keke.. Never in my life I've felt so loved, fulfilled and blissful. I feel that nothing could harm me, hurt me anymore with Himself.. Yes, definitely my knight in shining amour.. Haha..

I'm going to sleep tonight with a goofy, contented smile.. YEs, envy me for I am indeed the luckiest woman in the whole world!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My Pensieve time...

It's time to whish out my tots again...I shall start w my all-time student 1st..Yes, today he didn't take his medicine again.. But its much worse as he was very cruel to his fellow classmate..It definitely put me off coz it reflects a very ugly side of him.. n somemore he goes to church regularly! God knows what he has been learning there..it really amazes me how selfish, spoilt, stubborn he can be just to seek for attention, fun and power.. I've been cracking my head how to "help" him to know this BIG BIG problem when he is an adult but till date, I have really no idea..
I think the only way is to let him go through the hard ways and learn..

On the other hand, dayz with 6-05 is getting better and more exciting each day. Our rapport is getting good.. Really happy to see them smiling each time..

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Yesterday's ordeal is over...WHew! If any of 6-05 pple is reading, THANK YOU VERY MUCH..
I am both surprised and happy of how the whole lesson turned out...

On a more private note, this class will eventually shaped my teaching perceptions, expectations and desires for the coming T dayz.. I don't teach them most of the time but that 3 periods per week has a great impact on me. Hence I became a firm believer in not how much times im with the kidz but rather how i teach and do as a T.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lesson Observation..OOPS!

Today is the day to declare me as a nervous wreck.. Can't sleep the whole night, kept thinking the best way to keep Mr. DT occupied so that he won't wreck my lesson ob.. SIGH... But I know Im going to bust this whole thing and my RO confirm will talk about my classroom management..

If there is a remote control like "Click", I will choing for it man...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The need for postive thoughts..

I HATE Tue- Fri though they are the lightest of my teaching load.. I HATE the feeling of a teacher's aid, the feeling of lethargic, the feeling of worthlessness and the feeling of negative thoughts attacking me everytime. I simply gave up to try to fight back these negative thoughts and doubts.

I really can't wait for next year, for a class of my own, an identity I can belonged, a recognition that I can earn soon..